Thank You

Step 2: You’re Almost Done! Select the time on our calendar now!

We’ve received your information. We’re excited that you’ve chosen Thrive Functional Wellness Center and we’re looking forward to getting to know you better.


If you’d like to speak with our Clinical Director, Lorrie Rappe,
please schedule a day and time that works for you on her calendar or call the office directly 760-777-4177.

Dr. Rappe’s Personal Story

Why did Dr. Rappe, D.C. become a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner?

Watch the video to hear his personal story:

Booking Dr. Rappe, D.C.

​If you would like Dr. Rappe, D.C. to hold an educational seminar on our holistic approach to health at YOUR workplace, country club, senior center, etc – contact us by CLICKING HERE today!

Our availability is limited, so please reach out to us as soon as possible to reduce the wait time.

We look forward to speaking with you soon!

Health Questions? Contact Our Wellness Center Today!

Conveniently located in La Quinta, CA