Neuropathy: A Holistic Solution

Are you are one of the 30 million people suffering with Neuropathy?

Check out, “Reversing Neuropathy Naturally”!

Do You Suffer from Neuropathy?

Do You Experience…
• Numbness
• Balance Problems
• Sharp, electric like pain
• Burning or tingling
• Difficulty sleeping from leg or foot  discomfort
• Muscle weakness
• Sensitivity to touch?
Don’t be a victim of peripheral neuropathy!
Neuropathy is a condition that requires treatment on ALL damaged areas. Drugs, surgeries and injections do not address the underlying cause, they simply mask the symptoms and allow the condition to get worse. 

So – What makes us different?

IMAGINE having no more medication, but a proven long-term solution you can do at home! By addressing the body as a whole, we restore nerve function by healing from the inside out.

We offer a scientific, 5-step proven approach that HEALS your nerves and REVERSES your symptoms by:

1.) Increasing blood supply to your nerves.
2.) Repairing and re-educating your nerves.

3.) Increasing the blood flow in your feet or hands.
4.) Increasing your balance and mobility.
5.) Nutritional and lifestyle education.

If you are looking for a more holistic approach to your Neuropathy, and long-term relief, contact our office today at:

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Dr. Grey A. Rappe, D.C. is a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner, Speaker, Author, Lifestyle Architect, and Wellness Mentor. He is quickly becoming one of Southern California’s leading experts in lifelong optimal wellness. His breakthrough ‘Healthy Beginnings’ Health and Wellness Program has proven that diminished health and vitality can be reclaimed by just about ​anyone at any age. Meet Dr. Grey A. Rappe, D.C.

When I first came in my feet were burning hot all the time and I could barely walk and with the treatments it has gotten better. Thank you to the whole staff for helping me have a better life!
-Donna M.

When I came in for Neuropathy symptoms, my feet fell asleep, it would wake me up at night, and I couldn’t walk any place without shoes. I’ve had 80% improvement in all my symptoms.

“I was on multiple meds, couldn’t sleep and had a pain level of 9. Now I am at 2 and the feeling is back without meds!”
– Mary H.

“I had severe neuropathy and have been in the healthcare industry for over 40 years, so I was skeptical. Now my meds have been cut, my pain is gone and my neurologist is amazed.”
– Mickey R.

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